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For a free consultation
Have you been inured in an Auto or Tractor Trailer accident? If so you need to have representation to make sure that you receive the full amount of settlement that you deserve. Call us today for a free consultation. We will also represent you on contigency, meaning there will be no upfront fees for representation. We only get paid when you do. But helping you starts even before the accident, because there are some things that you need to know beforehand.
First, you should ALWAYS get a police report even if the other party admits fault. You need to immediatley call the police because their determination of fault will go a long way in court and the other party may change their tune once they realize their deductibles may be rising.
Second, an auto accident can cause a rush of adrenaline which will have an effect on how much pain you feel for a while. Back and neck pain issues also have a tendency to get worse after a few days or even weeks, so that while you did not feel that bad at the time of the injury, it could persist and worsen for a very long time. This is why its a good idea to go to the emergency room if you are injured even if you feel it is not life threatining.
Third, do not leave the scene. After an accident, you may feel the impulse to get in a cab or a friend's car and just go home. Disregard that, as fleeing the scene of an accident is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE and you don't need to add charges to your list of problems after an accident.
Fourth, do not talk more than you have to at the scene, you do not want witness;s caliming that you took some portion of responsibility for the accident A simple " I'm sorry" can turn into an admission of guilt. On the same note keep your cool, it doesnt help your cases to be the one screaming obscenities.
Fifth, do NOT talk or give a statement to the other parties insurance company, they are looking for any reason to pin the fault on you so they do not have to pay. Laws are complex and this is why you need an experianced attorney to discuss all these matters with the insurance company so they dont have an excuse to not pay what is owed to you.
The last piece of advice I can give you is to call me immediatley, literally the same day if you can. I can begin working on getting your car repaired for its full value, and working with medical proffessionals to setup a treatment plan that is right for you and your case, so that we are able to maximize the amount of settlement that is OWED TO YOU.

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